Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Qualifier Exams

Last Thursday and Friday were the qualifier exams. After reading some ten texts on computer science in the short time of a month, I still feel that I was under prepared for the exams and should've started studying about the same time I was accepted into UIC if I had wanted to actually excel, instead of merely feeling that it was possible I passed certain portions of the exams.

From here, things start to get interesting. When the results from quals come back, quite a bit changes. But for now? For now I am content to know that I have two possible research projects lined up, one possibly starting this summer. Now that I am not aggressively reading textbooks, it's time to turn back to the original plan for this blog, which implies doing quite a bit more reading of various journals and actually writing summaries on the interesting articles. I'll be posting a few of the summaries I've done for CS 594 here in the next few days, as well as the cleaned up version of our report for User Interface Design.

Additionally, if anyone is interested in what we are currently doing for Video Game Design, you can track our progress at Kenchi Games. That website should continue to be updated over the semester.