Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Qualifier Practice Exam: Foundations

Question 7 (5 Points): A complete ternary tree is defined as a tree in which every non-leaf
node has exactly 3 children and every leaf is the same distance from the root. The height of
a complete ternary tree is defined as the distance (number of links) from the root to a leaf.
A ternary tree with just one node has height 0.
Prove the following by mathematical induction: “a complete ternary tree of height h has
a total of (3^(h+1)−1)/2 nodes.”

i. Base Case: Let h=0. (3 ^ (0+1) - 1)/2 = 1. Just one node, h=0.
ii. Let h be an arbitrary value such that h > 1. Assume P(h) holds.
iii. Profit?
I know this section should somehow involve (3 ^ ((h+1)+1)-1)/2, but there really isn't a "left side" to this equation to work with.
Using our induction hypothesis, P(h) = (3^(h+1)-1)/2

Spending too long on this problem, moving on. This is not boding well. ._.

Part II: Data Structures and Algorithms (52 pts)
Question 1 (8 Points): Which of the following problems is known to be solvable in
running time O (n3)? (Give a list of the problem numbers.)
1. Finding the longest simple path from a given start vertex to a given end vertex in a
directed acyclic graph on n vertices with nonnegative integer weights.
2. Finding the shortest path from a given start vertex to a given end vertex in a directed
graph on n vertices with arbitrary integer weights.
3. Finding the longest simple path from a given start vertex to a given end vertex in a
directed graph on n vertices with nonnegative integer weights.
This is referring to Floyd-Warshall algorithm. Definitely 1, 3. It mentions an ability to identify (2), but since the cycles produce arbitrary weights when negative, I'm going to stick with 1, 3.

Question 2 (5 Points): True or False: Circle your final answers.
T [F] If an algorithm runs in O(n) time on the worst case input then it runs in O(n) time on every input.
[T] F Running BFS on a directed unweighted graph with cycles will produce shortest paths from the source vertex to all other reachable vertices (where path length is simply the number of edges).
T [F] log(n!) = o(n2)
[T] F Running DFS on an undirected graph may produce cross edges.
[T] F The lowest weight edge in a graph with all unique edge-weights is always included in any minimum spanning tree

Question 3 (6 Points): Code for the Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest paths algorithm (the dynamic programming based O(V 3) algorithm) appears below. Write a loop invariant for the end of the outer loop (on variable k) – i.e., at the point in the code indicated, what can be claimed about adj[i][j] with respect to k. Hint: this loop invariant essentially why the algorithm works!
// adj[][] is initially the weight matrix.
// If there is no edge (i,j) then adj[i][j] = Infinity
// where Infinity is a sufficiently large number (e.g.,
for (k = 1 to n){
for (i = 1 to n){
for (j = 1 to n){
adj[i][j] = min(adj[i][j], adj[i][k] + adj[k][j]);
// adj[i][j] is the minimum path as far nodes 1...k are concerned.

Question 4 (6 Points):
Part (A) Give example functions f(n) and g(n) where f(n) = o(g(n)).
f(n) = n
g(n) = n^2
o(g(n)) = n
(Because lim(n->inf) (n/(n^2))=0)

Part (B) Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE (if it is true, give a clear argument;
if it is false, give a counter-example):
“If f(n) = o(g(n)) then log(f(n)) = o(log(g(n))).”
Let's use the previous f(n)-(g(n) pair here. log(f(n))= log(n), while log(g(n))= log(n^2) = 2log(n)
lim(n->inf) logn/2logn = .5 =/= 0.


  1. I just did the induction one (had to do a quick refresher on wikipedia for how to induce and all that.) I'll read the other ones afterwards.
    You got the base and I wont bother with the formal crap.
    so we need to prove that the next step holds.
    For each new tier of the Tree we get 3^h new nodes(property of Ternary tree).
    then we want to prove:

    (3^h - 1)/2 + 3^h = (3^(h+1) - 1)/2
    break down to fractions
    (3^h)/2 - 1/2 + 2*(3^h)/2 = (3^(h+1) - 1)/2
    gather like terms
    3 * (3^h)/2 -1/2 = (3^(h+1) -1)/2

    and I don't feel like simplifying the rest, but you get the picture.
    d:- D

  2. That's what I was getting stuck on, the 'property of ternary tree' step. :)
